How to Confidently Make the Right Decisions in Life & Business

how to make confident decisions woman feeling peace

Stop stressing about whether or not you’ve made the right decision and move forward with confidence.

Over the last few years, I’ve had to make some really big decisions in my life and in my business.

I decided to let go of my former, profitable business after it was severely affected financially by the pandemic and starting over completely.

I decided to get a divorce after years of being in an emotionally unhealthy marriage, and having to trust that the divorce process would be less painful for my kids than growing up in an environment that allowed that behavior to be seen as acceptable.

I stopped identifying with being a christian and expanded what my beliefs are, becoming far more conscious, universal, and non-exclusive in my spirituality. 

When you make big decisions that result in massive changes, it’s normal to question yourself. 

I’ve totally questioned my own decisions. Here’s just a few of them…

What if I just made a massive mistake and I regret it? 

What should the new business be? What if I pick the wrong thing? How will I find my people NOW? Is stepping away from the old business completely the wrong decision? Will I regret it? 

What if my kids never forgive me for the divorce? What if my ex bad-mouths me and turns my kids against me? 

What if my trying to keep the house after the divorce is the wrong decision and I’m making a huge, financial mistake? 

What if I’m wrong about my spirituality and I’ll end up in hell? What will all my christian friends say, and will they try to “convert” me back or “pray for my salvation” and judge me and my beliefs? 

What if….? 

What if…? 

What if…?

It’s easy to get sucked into a downward spiral of doubt, fear, shame, & insecurity, but that’s all wasted energy that doesn’t actually help you keep moving forward with confidence and peace. 

So here’s 3 ways to stop stressing about if you made the right decision or not and move forward with peace. 

Identify What’s Most Important to You

Part of why we aren’t sure what is best for us to do is because we haven’t identified what’s most important in this specific situation. 

Look at all the different factors that come into play in making your decision, decide which ones are most important to you, and use THOSE factors as the basis for making your decision.

For example, in my divorce, I’ve had to decide if I should try to keep my home or to sell it and move into a different one. 

There’s really no clear right or wrong decision here, since selling might benefit me financially but cause massive disruption for the kids, but keeping it might mean things are better for the kids but less financially beneficial than selling. 

I’ve decided that preventing disruption in my kids’ lives is more important to me than any financial benefits I might get from selling, which made it easier to decide what I wanted to do. 

Surround Yourself with People Who Share Your Values & Understanding

This is especially important when making big decisions that come with lots of life changes. 

If preventing disruption in your kids’ lives is most important to you when you consider selling a home, don’t listen to the advice or criticism from a friend without kids who is looking at it as a purely financial decision. 

When you begin to doubt your decision because the downsides feel particularly heavy, you need support from people who care about you & fully understand your values & situation to help you get through the hard parts. 

They can remind you of why you made this choice & re-affirm it, whereas people who don’t understand may just cause more doubt, fear, and pain. 

This is why being in a mastermind with people who have similar values as me has been so helpful to me in my business decisions. They helped me discern if I should keep pushing after the pandemic or start something new, they remind me of who I am and what I’m capable of, and they helped me see my gifts and talents that I take for granted because they come so easy to me. 

When we struggle or doubt, having people around us who share our values and understand us is key to moving forward with resilience and peace. 

Trust Your Inner Knowing

Deep down, if you quiet your mind and listen to your heart, you usually know what you really want and what you should do next.

Instead, we overthink things and question if we can really trust ourselves, especially if the decision we want to make might seem foolish or go against the grain of what most people would do. 

Don’t judge yourself for your desires. 

Don’t go against your gut. 

If the word “Should” comes to mind, that’s not your path. 

Trust yourself. 

Trust your intuition. 

Trust that your way is the right way for you, even if it looks different than what most people would do. 

When you make a decision from a place of complete peace & knowing, it’s easy to stay confident in your decision even when things get tough in the future. 

You can totally access this place on your own.

Everyone can.

Trust yourself, especially when you know what’s most important to you and have people that know and understand you affirm it back to you. 

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jamie bright of brighter together mastermind

Meet Jamie Bright

Jamie Bright is the founder of Brighter Together Mastermind, which brings together impact-driven entrepreneurs in small group masterminds where they generously share their experience and expertise with each other so everyone can grow.

Jamie Bright

Jamie Bright is the founder of Brighter Together Mastermind, which brings together impact-driven entrepreneurs in small group masterminds where they generously share their experience and expertise with each other so everyone can grow.

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